What do you put in your kids stockings? As a kid did you go straight for the stocking? I did! I found though when my kids were younger, I’d buy little toys that would break quickly or would get thrown away. So I strategically started making sure things in the stockings were not being wasted by breaking it down:
1) Something enjoyable! Make sure you know what your kiddos are enjoying. My middle daughter loves collecting @disneydoorables and for Halloween she was Ghost-spider so I was excited to find a little plush of that. Of course art supplies are always needing replenished like crayons, @playdoh and markers.
2) Something needed! I take this time to replenish small items like a toothbrush, toothpaste, chapstick, gloves, a hat, socks, etc.
3) Something yummy! A little tip: put a snack in here the kids can grab during the morning. It can get crazy, so I like to put a little bag of popcorn and a drink like @good2growdrinks for them. A Santa lollipop or @pushpopofficial is always a hit as well.
Here I've uploaded a helpful printable to give you even more ideas:
